week 4

Week 4: The fruit of the Spirit is PEACE

Questions to think about:

  • What brings you peace?
  • How do you bring peace to others?
  • Why is there such a lack of peace in the world?


If you attend a church that follows the lectionary, you recently heard the story of Jesus calming the storm.  This is perhaps one of those stories where the word “Peace” is most strongly used.  As a refresher:  Jesus spends a full day teaching and healing, and then retreats with his disciples into a boat on a lake.  While his disciples work the boat, he sleeps.  When rain quickly grows into a storm, the disciples wake Jesus up and accuse him of sleeping while they face danger.  Jesus’ response to their fear is to speak directly to the wind and the waves and say “Peace!  Be still” (Mark 4:39).  The wind and the waves obey Jesus’ command, and the storm is calmed.  The disciples are amazed that even the natural elements obey Jesus’ words.

For many of us, it’s not hard to translate this story into our own lives.  We know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the storm of stress, economic hardship, uncertainty, tension, exhaustion…and the list could go on.  We also know what it’s like to look for Jesus in the midst of the storm and feel like he’s sleeping, seemingly unaware of the danger and trauma that’s overwhelming us.  But the message of the Gospel is that Jesus IS there in the midst of the storm, and his word of PEACE is powerful enough to calm all that blows over us.

The fruit of the Spirit grows in us as we grow in our understanding of Jesus and his work in our lives.  Peace grows in us as we learn to trust Jesus with the storms of life.  Peace overflows from us when we are willing to enter into the storms other people face and bring Jesus’ words with us.  When love and joy show themselves, peace is not far behind.

Verse to remember:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Ask yourself:

  • What are the storms that I’m facing right now?  How can I hear Jesus’ words “PEACE!  Be still”?
  • How can I share God’s peace with my words, thoughts and actions this week?


Dear God, I know what it’s like to desperately need to feel peace.  Help me to feel the presence of Jesus at all times, and help me to share the message of peace with others.  In Jesus’ name I pray…Amen.

Extended learning Activity Suggestions:

  • Commit with your family to turn off distractions and spend 30 minutes this week enjoying being together.  Do something that you all enjoy.
  • Learn about one area of conflict in the world, and brainstorm things you can do to tell others about the conflict or help those caught up in the conflict (e.g. ELCA world hunger appeal:  http://www.elca.org/hunger)
  • Make a “Peace garden”:  plant a flower, herb or tree for each thing you can name that brings you peace; write words of encouragement on large rocks lining the garden.  Spend time enjoying the reminder of peace this garden might bring. 
  • Listen to a song that speaks about peace or helps you feel at peace.

About MichelleCollins

"But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us."
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