week 3

Week 3: The fruit of the Spirit is JOY

Questions to think about:

  • What makes you happy?
  • How do you make others happy?
  • Is happiness the same as joy?  What’s the difference?


If you were to take a few minutes to read through several chapters in the book of Psalms, you would see a repeated command to “shout for joy to the Lord.”  Psalms, which is a hymn book, is full of songs of joy about the work of God.  God is praised for his creation, for delivering armies from enemies, for comforting those who are sad and for providing for those who are in need.  For what can you “shout for joy” about today?

Hopefully, it is easy to think of reasons to feel joy in your life.  God is definitely good to us in many ways!  But remember that the Fruit of the Spirit are qualities of Jesus…as these qualities grow in us we become more like Jesus.  When did Jesus demonstrate joy?  When he knelt down with children, perhaps, or when he sat at the beach eating fish with his disciples.  Jesus’ joy was found in bringing life to others, not just in celebrating his own goodness.  Joy grows in us as we not only identify what God is doing in and for us, but also as we put energy into helping others find the joy of life.

Joy is a natural follow-up to love, because as we understand God’s love for us and love our neighbor, we experience joy.

Verse to remember:

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”  Psalm 100:1-2

Ask yourself:

  • What can I rejoice about today?  How can I help others rejoice?
  • How can I share God’s joy with my words, thoughts and actions this week?


Dear God, thank you for all that you’ve done for me, and all that you’ve given me.  Help me to share my joy with others this week.  In Jesus’ name…Amen.

Extended learning Activity Suggestions:

  • Send a “just because” card to someone who may need an extra reason to smile.
  • Find some smiley face stickers, and give one to people who make you happy.
  • Find a way to create a happy memory with your family or friends without spending any money.  Take a camera and record your joy.

About MichelleCollins

"But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us."
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